Genius Hour

In my genius hour project me and my partner Jabreel, we have learned a lot about the Bermuda Triangle. Things have changed since that last report I did why? Because we started finding better web sites to look at and finding more information about the Bermuda Triangle. Even though Jabreel and I haven’t found the truth about the Bermuda Triangle or mystery Island as some people call it we are determined to found out the most we can about it and give as much information that we can when we do are report. We have visited a lot of site but our main sites are You tube, Wikipedia, and Bermuda

So hopefully by January when we have to do our presentation Jabreel and I will have everything that we can on our genius hour to make it perfect and try to have at least 95% of the truth so that the people we present to understand. And even I have questions that haven’t even got answer yet but I hope will soon.

By. Jarrod

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